Saturday 11 March 2017

Hacker Tutorials.

Hacking Facebook account using Kali Linux.

Hi there people. If you are reading then you probably wanna hack someone's fb account. Its very easy but remember that you do it on your risk. I will not be held responsible whatsoever. You have been warned.(This is for educational purposes only,Its illegal and if you are hacking then do it with the permission of the account's owner.)I am gonna use the phishing option. There are many methods but I am gonna use the easiest method. I ain't gonna go to the smaller details, so let's start hacking !!!

Required materials:Kali Linux (latest version),a PC,internet connectivity and a nice brain.(you can go to Kali Linux download page via the link down below.)
Kali official download page - 


1)The first is very easy - boot your Kali Linux and open a terminal -write 'setoolkit' and press enter.(if you typed a number wrongly then type 99 and press enter to go back to the previous menu)

2)Type '1' and press the enter key.

3)Then type 2 in the next menu and press enter again.

4)Next type 3 (credential harvestor) and press enter again.

5) You will probably see the following options-
   1) Web Templates
   2) Site Cloner
   3) Custom Import
  99) Return to Webattack Menu
The second option is the most easiest for hacking Facebook. I am gonna use that.
Type 2  and press the enter key.

6)Next you need to find your IP address .If you don't know your IP address then open a new terminal and type 'ifconfig' and press enter.It displays many numbers and alphabets but just ignore that all and find your IP address from that.

7) After you find your IP address copy that and paste it the 1st terminal (where you did all other steps till the 6th step.). Then press enter key again. This is done because you need to specify where the data is sent to. If you have an external IP then type it .

8)Next it will ask you which page you wanna clone ,type' '.(You can type any site's address but here I am gonna use Facebook).
That's all hackers!!.
Now open a browser and type your IP address there. It will open the Facebook login page - type your login details and look in the terminal ,the username and password will be shown there once you login through that page.(You can send your IP address to your friends and when they login you can see their passwords )
That's it hackers now you are ready for some big hacking !!!.

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  1. For any doubts just write here in the comment section.
